Thursday, April 11, 2013

March 29 - March 31, 2013

LTC 2013
The girls have been working hard since LTC last year getting ready for this year.  LTC 2013 was at the JW Marriott in Tucson this year, so we decided to head down early Friday morning and give the girls a little time to hang out by the pool.
Friday was a busy day, first events were chorus.  Mike spent a lot of time picking out music and working with both groups, but mid year he handed off the 3-5th grade group so he could focus more on the High School Group. 
Both groups did wonderful!
3-5th grade chorus (Kaitlyn's group)
6-12 grade chorus (Kenzie's group)
Bible Reading
 Kenzie signing (I tried to upload video, but it didn't work)
Kaitlyn signing
To finish up the evening, we headed down to dinner finally around 9:30, then up to our room with one king size bed...Did I say one bed, yep that is right and no bedding.  We got the girls settled down and put them in the bed.  Mike decided to lay across the top. 
Around 1:00am we both decided that was not going to work.  Mike grabbed his pillow we headed to the lobby, Mike threatened the front desk he was going to sleep on one of there sofas in the lobby, LOL.  That did the trick about 1:30 am we finally got an air mattress and bedding, moved the girls onto the air mattress and climbed into bed. 
Saturday morning started bright and early with Bible Bowl. 
Kaitlyn did amazing her first year doing bible bowl.  She got 64/75 questions right.  Kenzie did really well also.  We are so proud of both girls.
 While Kenzie and Kailtyn were at bible bowl, Kathryn and I went and had breakfast, Mike was still asleep.  After breakfast Kathryn and I got to see the Easter bunny. 
3-5th grade Drama
6-12 grade Drama. 
 Chatty Patty and Chatty Maddy, who would have ever thought Kenzie would wear a tutu. 
It was a great weekend, after drama was done Saturday we got to spend a couple more hours by the pool then we had a fun evening eating and visiting with everyone. 
Another successful year of LTC complete!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 14, 2013

Brad, Denise and Audrey came to Arizona for Spring Break.  I was so nice having them here. 
Thursday, the hottest day of the week, we went to a Ranger Spring training game.  We had a good time.  Always enjoy spending time with Denise.

March 9, 2013

BRAVO Dance Competition
After three days of Science Camp it's off to dance competiton. 
Kaitlyn had an amazing day. 
Her solo was beautiful.

Here is a picture of her and Mr. Michael her choregrapher with all her awards from the day.
Most Photogenic
Dynamic Costume
Platinium 1st place
3rd Place Overall


March 8, 2013

Snow, Sleet, Rain and Tumble Weeds

As we left Prescott it was sleeting - snowing as we hit the valley it turned into pouring rain and wind.

Did I say wind, yes the wind blew so hard I found our trash can at the end of the street and on my way to dance I saw these JC Penney employees moving the tumbleweeds that had blown in front of the doors.
Here is a picture of the girls standing in front of the big pile of tumbleweeds.

March 6, 2013 - March 8, 2013

5th Grade Science Camp
Kaitlyn and I had a great time at science camp up in Prescott, AZ.  We were in a cabin with 7 girls and 3 adults.  It was a fun cold three days!

Here we go, no turning back.  Kaitlyn and I are off to Science Camp. 
One of of our first activities for our group was to go hiking.  The kids had so much fun, hiking around the rock finding hideouts and little caves. 
Kaitlyn Rock Climbing
Our next family archery hunter??
Our cabin, we had such a sweet group of girls, that is why we gave them the award
 "Sweet Savvy Seven" 
Emily, Cooper and Kaitlyn
Woke up Friday morning to the sound of sleet hitting the window.  Kinda exciting, but I have to say I'm glad it held off until our last day.  They decided to call the district and have the buses come early and head home, so the girls missed out on there last activity.  That's OK, Kaitlyn and I had already planned on leaving early since it's competition weekend.  I need a NAP!
As we head the the car, the sleet is starting to change to snow and really come down and Murphy's Law, the car won't start.  Had the car jump started and we are on our way. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23, 2013

Another weekend, where is time going? 
Mike and Kenzie went to church this morning to go door knocking and hand out flyer's about our upcoming VBS and work on their skit.  Kaitlyn, Kathryn and I slept in or at least I did, hopefully they did too. 

 Kathryn had her first cookie booth sale today at the Chandler Car Show.  She started out a little timid, but got the hang of it and became a good little sales girl.  We got to see the Batmobile which recently sold at a Phoenix auction for $4.6 million. 
We came home had a little family time, picked some lemons and made lemonade.
It's been a busy, but fun day!

February 17, 2013

Starpower Dance Competition Day 2
Another early morning, last night we spent the night nearby which meant we didn't have to leave as early, but we still had to be here at 7:00 am.  First dance for Kaitlyn was group dance
Granola Suite/Fosse.

Granola Suite received 4 3/4 Stars, 2nd place All-Around and Outstanding Choreography. 
 Off to another great start!
Kaitlyn and Moira dressed and ready for Royal T.
Girls did awesome job on Royal T, they received 5 Stars, 1st place in their category and
 1st place All-Around. 
Kaitlyn and her friends dressed and ready to "Dance With Somebody"
Last dance for Kaitlyn today, "Dance With Somebody,"  the did great once again. 
 4 1/2 Stars and 6th place All-Around. 
Dance Loft had an AMAZING weekend!!
It's always a long tiring weekend, but so much fun hanging out with everyone and of course Kaitlyn loves dancing!