Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kathryn's 6th Birthday Party

Where does the time go? Hard to believe my baby girls is going to be 6 years old, I know we had her birthday party but for a few more days I can say she is 5. Don't rush it!! This morning her boyfriend from church, Benjamin, had his party at Shenaniganz in Rockwall. Taylor met me there and chaperoned her. I'm going to miss him when he is off at college and so are the girls.
Anyway heard a funny story, Kathryn has two buddies Cooper Adams and Benjamin Vanbuskirk they all are pretty close in age, go to church together, and went to Pre-K together 09-10 school year. Conversation today between Benjamin and Cooper:
Benjamin: Hey Cooper I'm going to Kathryn's bday party today
Cooper: Kathryn is your OLD girlfriend from Pre-K haven't you found a new one?

Out of the mouths of babes.

Tinkerbell Birthday Cake

The Birthday Day Girl

Present Time

So Many Friends


All Our Friends

Kathryn Loves Pigs - these are from Troy, way to a women's heart.

Brooke, Kathryn and Taylor

Kathryn and Troy (Boyfriend from school)

Kathryn and Benjamin (boyfriend from church)

Funny Story #2, beginning of the party Kathryn goes over to the bleachers where Benjamin is sitting (just behind Jennifer his mom).

Kathryn: I'm sorry, but I intited another boy who is my boyfriend. I can't be your girlfriend anymore.

Benjamin: O.K. Well I just have to marry you because you are the nicest sweetest girl I know.

Kathryn: But we can still be friends

Benjamin: O.K.

Heart Break at an early age.

Troy, Jenna, Kathryn and Benjamin

Look's like everyone is still friends :-)

Kathryn & Jenna

Kathryn & Haydee


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